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这是我司专业生产的别克压缩机本公司专业生产汽车空调压缩机,品种齐全、质量可靠、价格优惠。主要生产V5、15C、17C、508、706等系列压缩机。公司引进台湾技术和设备投入生产,拥有很强的新产品开发和设计能力,为创新开发提供强有力的技术后盾。 产品主要用于美国GM、韩国大宇、上海大众、金杯、中华、小红旗、丰田海狮/佳美、本田雅阁及微型车等车型。热忱欢迎新老客户垂询、交际花流、合作! Our company is professionally engaged in producing all kinds of air-condtioner compressore for whole vehicles,suchas V5\15C\508\706 and so on .Our products are of high quality and of favorable prece.The company has introduced Taiwan technology and equipment.We have the strong capacity of producing and designing the new products,which provides creat... [详细介绍]